Current news at westminster
Click here for the February, March, April 2025 newsletter
Interim Update
In December, the Westminster congregation elected the Rev. Adam Demetros to be our next installed Solo Pastor, starting in early February. Pastor Adam and his wife Amanda are moving to their new home in Owasco, and are settling in to their new home, church, and community. We thank the Pastor Nominating Committee for their hard work, dedication, and faith in the pastoral search, and the congregation for their patience and trust in the process. This is an exciting new chapter in Westminster’s story!
Hybrid worship: One community together in spirit
We offer a hybrid worship experience that engages both in-person and online worshipers, creating a single, unified community that stretches across pews and data streams. Livestream worship is on Facebook Live. Join us in-person or online at 9:30am every Sunday morning!
February Loose Offerings
The February loose offerings support the Scout units who are sponsored by Westminster Church. Scout Troops 43 and Cub Scout Pack 43 meet every Tuesday afternoon under the leadership of Aaron and Andrea Creighton. Many of the scouts need assistance with fees, dues, camp costs, and expenses related to scouting. The February loose offerings will help offset those expenses.
Call to Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation/Corporation of Westminster Presbyterian Church will be held today Sunday February 9, 2025 immediately following worship. The purpose of this meeting is to review the annual reports of the boards, committees, ministry teams and staff of the church, review the 2024 financial reports and the 2025 budget, and to conduct any other business which might come before the congregation. You can read the 2024 Annual Report here.
Committees want you!
The Worship Committee meets Monday Feb 10 at 7pm and the Christian Ed Committee meets Wednesday, Feb 12 at 10am. Both welcome visitors and new members (short or long term) who would like to be involved in their work. Meetings are hybrid (in person and online). Talk to Paul Dungey or Adam Demetros (Worship) and Audrey McNally or Noel Cregg (CE) for more info.
The Social Justice Small Group (SJSG) is planning some meaningful ways you can get involved in the Matthew 25 work of our church. The SJSG meets Thursday Feb 13 and March 13, 3-4:30 pm.
Forum February 16: Advocating for our Undocumented Siblings
Join us for a discussion following worship on February 16 on how we as a faith community can help undocumented workers in times of repression." This adult forum will provide key resources from the PCUSA on how we might navigate new threats to undocumented workers in our area.
Back by popular demand! Game Night February 20
There will be an inter-generational game night Thursday, February 20 from 4:30-6pm in the Great Hall. This is a great way to beat the winter doldrums during school vacation week! Miss Noel has more details and a sign-up sheet for those interested. There will be a variety of board games available for all ages, or you can bring your favorites.
Hymnal drive
The Worship Committee would like to purchase a few more hymnals to supplement the ones in the sanctuary and chapel. The goal is 36 purple editions for the sanctuary and 12 red ones for the chapel. You can help meet the goal by purchasing dedicated copies at $25 each. Forms are available here; the deadline for ordering is February 17.
Youth Ministries
On Sundays, the nursery is open to children birth-3 years old. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade join Miss Cait in the Worship Center to hear the Parables of Jesus. Children ages 8 and up are encouraged to participate in worship with their families. Our Prayground has a variety of resources for children and youth of all ages, and is a great place for families to worship together. Also in the works is a repeat of last year’s successful “Palms and Pancakes” breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 13, with the youth of the church preparing and serving a meal for the congregation, and an Easter Egg Hunt following worship on Easter Sunday.
Lent begins March 5
Lent is a period of reflection and repentance that leads us to the promise of hope in Easter. Lent lasts for 40 weekdays, reminding us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness as he prepared for his public ministry. Many Christians observe a period of moderation and spiritual discipline during Lent, setting aside time for intentional reflection on the life, death, and teachings of Jesus. This can happen individually, with your family, and within the faith community. You are invited to take part in worship, education, and mission activities as you prepare your hearts this Lenten season at Westminster. In the coming weeks we will see these days marked on the church calendar: Ash Wednesday, Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.
Ash Wednesday
We will celebrate Ash Wednesday, March 5, with a communion service in the sanctuary at 7pm. As has become our custom on Ash Wednesday, we will also offer a ‘drive-through’ imposition of ashes under the archway between our buildings between 5-6pm.
Easter Flowers
Watch the bulletin to order Easter flowers to decorate the chancel. A variety of spring perennials will be available to purchase in memory or in honor of loved ones.
Blue Shirt Sunday
Sunday, March 9, is designated “Blue Shirt Sunday” by the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program. Blue shirts are worn by PDA mission volunteers wherever they are called to work shoulder-to-shoulder helping people in need. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, which Westminster will collect and dedicate on Palm Sunday. If you have a PDA “blue shirt,” wear it to church on March 9! During the education hour March 9, we’ll talk about the work of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program in the Adult Forum.
Soup and Study
Westminster’s traditional Lenten Soup & Study series will be held on three Wednesday evenings during Lent, making space for shared food, fellowship, study, and reflection as we make our way toward Easter. This year, the Soup & Study will be held in the Social Room from 5-6:30pm on March 19, 26, and April 2. The discussion time will focus on “Bread of Life,” highlighting how Jesus fed people, both spiritually and physically. Simple meals of soup and bread will be provided. Join us this Lent as we nourish our hearts and our bodies through the good news that Jesus brings us.
One Great Hour of Sharing
During Lent, we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. OGHS supports the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self-Development of People Program. “Fish banks” will be distributed on March 9. The offering will be collected and dedicated on Palm Sunday.
Personal Care Pantry
Westminster’s Personal Care Pantry team welcomes donations for their monthly ministry which provides personal care and cleaning supplies. Items needed are reusable shopping bags and new/unused/unopened shampoo, spray cleaner, dish soap and laundry detergent/pods. Please do not buy or donate any other items. If you have questions or would like to donate supplies, contact Anne Malvaso, Shelley Pantaliono or Susan Marteney.
Church photo directory
The new church photo directory contains over 100 photos of church members, friends, and staff, and will be a great resource for us to know each other better. The directory is available in the church office. We are asking for a $5 donation for each directory to help offset the costs of printing.
Walks and Hikes
The monthly “Faith-filled Steps” meditative walks and Contemplative Hikes will take a break in the winter, and will resume in the spring, once snow and ice disappear.
Coat Tree Moved to Calvary Food Pantry
The Coat Tree which has been housed at Westminster for many years has moved to Calvary Food Pantry at 52 Seymour St to provide “one stop shopping” for people in need of food and clothing. We will still support the coat tree through donations of warm winter outerwear; simply take your gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and missions for all ages and in all sizes to the food pantry. Call 315-252-7772 to schedule a drop-off. Thank you for keeping folks warm this winter!
Transitional Housing Needs
As you clean out cupboards, closets, and drawers, please consider donating used items that can help someone moving into transitional housing feel like they are home. Items needed include sheets and bedding for twin/full beds, dishes/utensils, pots/pans, hygiene products, dish/laundry soap, and towels/washcloths, and hand towels. There’s a table in the narthex for your donations!
Presbyterian Heritage
We honor our Presbyterian heritage by remembering our history and celebrating our roots. Foundational to our faith as Reformed Christians are 12 creeds, confessions, and catechisms, which represent historic statements of faith from early times through the present. We display in the narthex the banners which represent our creeds and confessions. Details about each banner are available in the narthex and here.
Closed captioning on Facebook Live
Did you know you can turn on closed captioning for Facebook Live worship? If you are hard of hearing, or want to keep the volume low on your computer, or find that closed captioning helps you follow along better, just follow these simple instructions:
Citizen Columns
Westminster is featured in a monthly column in the Auburn Citizen.
2025 columns:
Rob Schemerhorn's January 18 column: Baptism and Change
2024 columns:
Jill Fandrich's December 21 column: Solstice, the Longest Night
Jill Fandrich's November 25 column: Why Kids Belong in Church
Shelley Pantoliano's October 27 column: In the Boat Together
Paul Dungey's September 29 column: Eyes to see, ears to hear
Jill Fandrich's August 31 column: Are old churches a legacy or a burden?
Rev. Joe Tagliaferre's Aug 4 column: Return to Auburn is God's Plan
Jill Fandrich's July 13 column: We have a Prayground!
Shelley Pantoliano's June 8 column: Far from ordinary
Jill Fandrich's May 12 column: Pentecost celebrates the Holy Spirit
Rev. Pam Masten's April 14 column: Easter and the Total Solar Eclipse
Jill Fandrich's March 17 column: Inside our search for a new pastor
Rev. Pam Masten's February 18 column: Winter and Lent Reflections
Jill Fandrich's January 21 column: The changing nature of Christian Education
Older columns can be found here
Take a virtual tour!
Ever wondered what goes on inside of our big beautiful buildings on William St? Learn more by taking a virtual tour! Check it out here.
The Little Free Library
The Little Free Library in front of our church is always in need of good quality books for children, youth, and adults. You can leave donated books in the library itself or drop them off to the church office. And while you're there, check out the Little Free Library for some new reading material for yourself!
Personal Care Pantry
The Personal Care Pantry is looking for volunteers to host the once-a-month Give-away days on the last Wednesday of each month from 10 am - 12 noon. Guests may select from a variety of items such as soap, cleaner, TP, deodorant and more. Westminster volunteers assist with selection from a cart and bagging; there is no need for record keeping. Personal care items are purchased with funds from the Mission Committee. If interested in hosting one Wednesday or picking up the items at a local store, contact Anne Malvaso or Susan Marteney.
Capital Projects
Our church is more than a building, but we also acknowledge that the historic edifice which houses our ministries is the home in which we meet, worship, work, and serve the community. That home, however, is over 150 years old, and in need of constant care and maintenance. In 2020, we decided to complete a comprehensive property conditions study to efficiently plan for building repairs and renovations. We felt this was the best way to be good stewards of our property and our limited financial resources, helping us prioritize projects in a multi-year plan. Using a grant from the Sacred Sites Program of the NY Landmarks Conservancy, we engaged the services of Beardsley Inc to complete the conditions study. They provided us with a comprehensive study last year, outlining an array of top, medium, and lower priority projects to address over the next five years. We have already undertaken the first phase to abate the water damage to our foundation and walls by diverting storm drainage and installing gutters and downspouts. This work was top priority to stop further damage, and now we are able to can undertake further repairs. The proposed projects for 2023 involve bringing certain items up to code (electrical, lighting, etc.), repointing the masonry where needed, and shoring up the sanctuary basement where needed. These are important for keeping everyone safe and for maintaining the integrity of the buildings’ structure. Here are the documents with details about the capital projects which are priorities at Westminster:
Click here for the assessment of our buildings and capital project recommendations, from the architectural firm Beardsley.
Click here for the slideshow summary of the Beardsley report.
Click here to read the 2024 Annual Report
Interim Update
In December, the Westminster congregation elected the Rev. Adam Demetros to be our next installed Solo Pastor, starting in early February. Pastor Adam and his wife Amanda are moving to their new home in Owasco, and are settling in to their new home, church, and community. We thank the Pastor Nominating Committee for their hard work, dedication, and faith in the pastoral search, and the congregation for their patience and trust in the process. This is an exciting new chapter in Westminster’s story!
Hybrid worship: One community together in spirit
We offer a hybrid worship experience that engages both in-person and online worshipers, creating a single, unified community that stretches across pews and data streams. Livestream worship is on Facebook Live. Join us in-person or online at 9:30am every Sunday morning!
February Loose Offerings
The February loose offerings support the Scout units who are sponsored by Westminster Church. Scout Troops 43 and Cub Scout Pack 43 meet every Tuesday afternoon under the leadership of Aaron and Andrea Creighton. Many of the scouts need assistance with fees, dues, camp costs, and expenses related to scouting. The February loose offerings will help offset those expenses.
Call to Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation/Corporation of Westminster Presbyterian Church will be held today Sunday February 9, 2025 immediately following worship. The purpose of this meeting is to review the annual reports of the boards, committees, ministry teams and staff of the church, review the 2024 financial reports and the 2025 budget, and to conduct any other business which might come before the congregation. You can read the 2024 Annual Report here.
Committees want you!
The Worship Committee meets Monday Feb 10 at 7pm and the Christian Ed Committee meets Wednesday, Feb 12 at 10am. Both welcome visitors and new members (short or long term) who would like to be involved in their work. Meetings are hybrid (in person and online). Talk to Paul Dungey or Adam Demetros (Worship) and Audrey McNally or Noel Cregg (CE) for more info.
The Social Justice Small Group (SJSG) is planning some meaningful ways you can get involved in the Matthew 25 work of our church. The SJSG meets Thursday Feb 13 and March 13, 3-4:30 pm.
Forum February 16: Advocating for our Undocumented Siblings
Join us for a discussion following worship on February 16 on how we as a faith community can help undocumented workers in times of repression." This adult forum will provide key resources from the PCUSA on how we might navigate new threats to undocumented workers in our area.
Back by popular demand! Game Night February 20
There will be an inter-generational game night Thursday, February 20 from 4:30-6pm in the Great Hall. This is a great way to beat the winter doldrums during school vacation week! Miss Noel has more details and a sign-up sheet for those interested. There will be a variety of board games available for all ages, or you can bring your favorites.
Hymnal drive
The Worship Committee would like to purchase a few more hymnals to supplement the ones in the sanctuary and chapel. The goal is 36 purple editions for the sanctuary and 12 red ones for the chapel. You can help meet the goal by purchasing dedicated copies at $25 each. Forms are available here; the deadline for ordering is February 17.
Youth Ministries
On Sundays, the nursery is open to children birth-3 years old. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade join Miss Cait in the Worship Center to hear the Parables of Jesus. Children ages 8 and up are encouraged to participate in worship with their families. Our Prayground has a variety of resources for children and youth of all ages, and is a great place for families to worship together. Also in the works is a repeat of last year’s successful “Palms and Pancakes” breakfast on Palm Sunday, April 13, with the youth of the church preparing and serving a meal for the congregation, and an Easter Egg Hunt following worship on Easter Sunday.
Lent begins March 5
Lent is a period of reflection and repentance that leads us to the promise of hope in Easter. Lent lasts for 40 weekdays, reminding us of the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness as he prepared for his public ministry. Many Christians observe a period of moderation and spiritual discipline during Lent, setting aside time for intentional reflection on the life, death, and teachings of Jesus. This can happen individually, with your family, and within the faith community. You are invited to take part in worship, education, and mission activities as you prepare your hearts this Lenten season at Westminster. In the coming weeks we will see these days marked on the church calendar: Ash Wednesday, Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter.
Ash Wednesday
We will celebrate Ash Wednesday, March 5, with a communion service in the sanctuary at 7pm. As has become our custom on Ash Wednesday, we will also offer a ‘drive-through’ imposition of ashes under the archway between our buildings between 5-6pm.
Easter Flowers
Watch the bulletin to order Easter flowers to decorate the chancel. A variety of spring perennials will be available to purchase in memory or in honor of loved ones.
Blue Shirt Sunday
Sunday, March 9, is designated “Blue Shirt Sunday” by the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program. Blue shirts are worn by PDA mission volunteers wherever they are called to work shoulder-to-shoulder helping people in need. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is supported by the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering, which Westminster will collect and dedicate on Palm Sunday. If you have a PDA “blue shirt,” wear it to church on March 9! During the education hour March 9, we’ll talk about the work of the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program in the Adult Forum.
Soup and Study
Westminster’s traditional Lenten Soup & Study series will be held on three Wednesday evenings during Lent, making space for shared food, fellowship, study, and reflection as we make our way toward Easter. This year, the Soup & Study will be held in the Social Room from 5-6:30pm on March 19, 26, and April 2. The discussion time will focus on “Bread of Life,” highlighting how Jesus fed people, both spiritually and physically. Simple meals of soup and bread will be provided. Join us this Lent as we nourish our hearts and our bodies through the good news that Jesus brings us.
One Great Hour of Sharing
During Lent, we collect the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. For 75 years, One Great Hour of Sharing has provided a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world. OGHS supports the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Program, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self-Development of People Program. “Fish banks” will be distributed on March 9. The offering will be collected and dedicated on Palm Sunday.
Personal Care Pantry
Westminster’s Personal Care Pantry team welcomes donations for their monthly ministry which provides personal care and cleaning supplies. Items needed are reusable shopping bags and new/unused/unopened shampoo, spray cleaner, dish soap and laundry detergent/pods. Please do not buy or donate any other items. If you have questions or would like to donate supplies, contact Anne Malvaso, Shelley Pantaliono or Susan Marteney.
Church photo directory
The new church photo directory contains over 100 photos of church members, friends, and staff, and will be a great resource for us to know each other better. The directory is available in the church office. We are asking for a $5 donation for each directory to help offset the costs of printing.
Walks and Hikes
The monthly “Faith-filled Steps” meditative walks and Contemplative Hikes will take a break in the winter, and will resume in the spring, once snow and ice disappear.
Coat Tree Moved to Calvary Food Pantry
The Coat Tree which has been housed at Westminster for many years has moved to Calvary Food Pantry at 52 Seymour St to provide “one stop shopping” for people in need of food and clothing. We will still support the coat tree through donations of warm winter outerwear; simply take your gently used coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and missions for all ages and in all sizes to the food pantry. Call 315-252-7772 to schedule a drop-off. Thank you for keeping folks warm this winter!
Transitional Housing Needs
As you clean out cupboards, closets, and drawers, please consider donating used items that can help someone moving into transitional housing feel like they are home. Items needed include sheets and bedding for twin/full beds, dishes/utensils, pots/pans, hygiene products, dish/laundry soap, and towels/washcloths, and hand towels. There’s a table in the narthex for your donations!
Presbyterian Heritage
We honor our Presbyterian heritage by remembering our history and celebrating our roots. Foundational to our faith as Reformed Christians are 12 creeds, confessions, and catechisms, which represent historic statements of faith from early times through the present. We display in the narthex the banners which represent our creeds and confessions. Details about each banner are available in the narthex and here.
Closed captioning on Facebook Live
Did you know you can turn on closed captioning for Facebook Live worship? If you are hard of hearing, or want to keep the volume low on your computer, or find that closed captioning helps you follow along better, just follow these simple instructions:
Citizen Columns
Westminster is featured in a monthly column in the Auburn Citizen.
2025 columns:
Rob Schemerhorn's January 18 column: Baptism and Change
2024 columns:
Jill Fandrich's December 21 column: Solstice, the Longest Night
Jill Fandrich's November 25 column: Why Kids Belong in Church
Shelley Pantoliano's October 27 column: In the Boat Together
Paul Dungey's September 29 column: Eyes to see, ears to hear
Jill Fandrich's August 31 column: Are old churches a legacy or a burden?
Rev. Joe Tagliaferre's Aug 4 column: Return to Auburn is God's Plan
Jill Fandrich's July 13 column: We have a Prayground!
Shelley Pantoliano's June 8 column: Far from ordinary
Jill Fandrich's May 12 column: Pentecost celebrates the Holy Spirit
Rev. Pam Masten's April 14 column: Easter and the Total Solar Eclipse
Jill Fandrich's March 17 column: Inside our search for a new pastor
Rev. Pam Masten's February 18 column: Winter and Lent Reflections
Jill Fandrich's January 21 column: The changing nature of Christian Education
Older columns can be found here
Take a virtual tour!
Ever wondered what goes on inside of our big beautiful buildings on William St? Learn more by taking a virtual tour! Check it out here.
The Little Free Library
The Little Free Library in front of our church is always in need of good quality books for children, youth, and adults. You can leave donated books in the library itself or drop them off to the church office. And while you're there, check out the Little Free Library for some new reading material for yourself!
Personal Care Pantry
The Personal Care Pantry is looking for volunteers to host the once-a-month Give-away days on the last Wednesday of each month from 10 am - 12 noon. Guests may select from a variety of items such as soap, cleaner, TP, deodorant and more. Westminster volunteers assist with selection from a cart and bagging; there is no need for record keeping. Personal care items are purchased with funds from the Mission Committee. If interested in hosting one Wednesday or picking up the items at a local store, contact Anne Malvaso or Susan Marteney.
Capital Projects
Our church is more than a building, but we also acknowledge that the historic edifice which houses our ministries is the home in which we meet, worship, work, and serve the community. That home, however, is over 150 years old, and in need of constant care and maintenance. In 2020, we decided to complete a comprehensive property conditions study to efficiently plan for building repairs and renovations. We felt this was the best way to be good stewards of our property and our limited financial resources, helping us prioritize projects in a multi-year plan. Using a grant from the Sacred Sites Program of the NY Landmarks Conservancy, we engaged the services of Beardsley Inc to complete the conditions study. They provided us with a comprehensive study last year, outlining an array of top, medium, and lower priority projects to address over the next five years. We have already undertaken the first phase to abate the water damage to our foundation and walls by diverting storm drainage and installing gutters and downspouts. This work was top priority to stop further damage, and now we are able to can undertake further repairs. The proposed projects for 2023 involve bringing certain items up to code (electrical, lighting, etc.), repointing the masonry where needed, and shoring up the sanctuary basement where needed. These are important for keeping everyone safe and for maintaining the integrity of the buildings’ structure. Here are the documents with details about the capital projects which are priorities at Westminster:
Click here for the assessment of our buildings and capital project recommendations, from the architectural firm Beardsley.
Click here for the slideshow summary of the Beardsley report.
Click here to read the 2024 Annual Report