donations, contributions, & giving
Westminster members and friends support Westminster Presbyterian Church through their financial support, generosity, and gifts of time and talents, which enable Westminster to do God's work locally, nationally, and globally.
Pledges and contributions can be made in several ways:
1. Payments can be made on our on-line giving portal through the Presbyterian Foundation. Click on the "Give Now" button below to easily and safely make your contribution to the church, or use the QR code below. You may allocate your contribution to pledges (general giving), loose offerings, or special funds.
Pledges and contributions can be made in several ways:
1. Payments can be made on our on-line giving portal through the Presbyterian Foundation. Click on the "Give Now" button below to easily and safely make your contribution to the church, or use the QR code below. You may allocate your contribution to pledges (general giving), loose offerings, or special funds.
You can also give on your mobile device by downloading the free "GivePlus" from the App Store or Google Play. Once downloaded, search for Westminster by zip code and it will take you to the same giving page as above to make your secure donation.
2 Checks can be mailed to the church office at 17 William St, Auburn, NY 13021 or cash or checks can be placed in the offering box at in-person worship on Sundays. Envelopes are available for paying pledges weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.
3. Automatic bill pay can be set up at your banking website for one time or recurring payments. You can also choose the day of the month for the payment to be made. This is a free service at most banks. You can set up to have payments sent to: Westminster Presbyterian Church, 17 William St, Auburn, NY 13021
3. Automatic bill pay can be set up at your banking website for one time or recurring payments. You can also choose the day of the month for the payment to be made. This is a free service at most banks. You can set up to have payments sent to: Westminster Presbyterian Church, 17 William St, Auburn, NY 13021