Westminster Presbyterian Church
Current News
Who We Are - Our Present
Who We've Been - Our Past
Timeline of Presbyterian History in Auburn NY
Staff and Leadership
Small Groups and Ministry Opportunities
Weddings, Funerals, & Other Building Use
2023 Sermons
Children's Worship
Children and Youth
1/22/2023 Beautiful, beautiful light
1/29/2023 In the footsteps of God
1/29/2023 Discipleship 101 Syllabus
2/05/23 Let your light shine
2/12/23 The church of our ancestors
2/19/23 The search for the soul
2/26/23 Who is your Lord?
3/05/23 Will you devote yourself to the breaking of bread?
3/12/23 Who is your savior?
3/19/23 Will you devote yourself to the church's teaching?
3/26/23 Can these bones live?
04/02/23 Will you devote yourself to the church's fellowship?
04/09/23 One anothering
04/23/23 Have you climbed a tree lately?
4/30/23 The Acts of Westminster
05/07/23 Saying goodbye
05/14/23 When the unnamed demand freedom
05/21/23 Staring at the heavens
05/28/23 Dreams
06/11/23 Remember this
06/18/23 Rev. Larry Bell Guest Pastor
07/16/23 Rev. Steven W. Plank - If God Can Work Through Them...
08/13/23 Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith - Trees Walking
08/20/23 Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith - Be Opened!
08/27/23 Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith - A Big Hole
09/03/23 - Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith- Filled with Awe - Communion
09/10/23 - Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith- Filled with Awe - Fellowship
09/17/23 - Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith- Filled with Awe - Teaching
09/24/23- Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith- Filled with Awe- Prayer
10/01/23 Rev. Dr. Stacy Smith- What is it? World Communion Sunday
10/08/23 Sermon on the Mount - Beatitudes
10/15/23 Sermon on the Mount - Salt and Light
10/22/23 Sermon on the Mount- On Worry
10/29/23 Reformation Sunday Reflection
11/05/23 Abide With Me (an All Saints reflection)
11/26/23 Meals with Jesus
12/10/2023 Rev. Janet Newman "Singing Gloria"
Older sermons can be found here